Songs by Lockdown Larcs L.



    Lockdown Larcs L.
    Genre: Other

    This is a lyric only
    Additional Notes:
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    this kicked off an early experience memory, when I heard Justin Timberlake "Mirrors"                                                                                                

    I never knew, until I knew that day I saw, my heart said yes just one look, not speaking to you but did you feel my eye’s caress surely climbing into your heart if somehow I could ask you out practice in the mirror my start but I am just full of self doubt It’s you, it’s you, I know it’s true and yet, and yet, shall I just fret oh mirror mirror, help me please help me to find this destiny but every chance I get I freeze an endless maze, all I can see shall I give up on this romance and so to my friends I confide then secretly at the next dance suddenly you are by my side It’s you, it’s you, I know it’s true I live for love, please love me too what a dance, that kiss, oh what bliss my dreams now filling the night sky what fate could be better than this no more mirror, just eye to eye It’s you, it’s you, now in our song you saw it too, we both belong trust the mirror, or trust a friend true love must win in the end

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