Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Gospel
    Tempo: midtempo

    This is a lyric only
    Additional Notes:
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    I wrote this song after having an experience and later sometime had a break down. I been recovering but I am not the same any more. I wanted to earn a degree but I was not able to complete a goal. I decided to go into metaphysics because I was songwriting and even tarot reading. I found out I am ordained minister with my degree. It was nothing mystical but a lot of teaching about Jesus. Many thought I was going to be something as a child because an experience. Older I got I figure it was a haunting and not me. I would like help writing it structure because I wrote how I felt. It just came to me when God forbid Adam and Eve out the garden cause the tree of life, no one had it. It's until Jesus carried the cross so we could have life. That's what the Christmas tree is all about during Christmas. Celebrating the one man who can help us have life after this life.

    He Gave Up His Crown For A Cross By Sheryl Collins Roberson CH: HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He carry my sins to Calvary, outside Jerusalem's walls So I can have a chance to live again HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He laid down his life, for me to have it all A real king that reign Jesus still reign V1: Born in a manger so far away Mary and Joseph travel outside Bethlehem The wise men followed the star The scriptures read of the king will be born that day He will be the world judgment Save all those who love God CH: HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He carry my sins to Calvary, outside Jerusalem's walls So I can have a chance to live again HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He laid down his life, for me to have it all A real king that reign Jesus still reign Verse A great Savior was He Walked on water and taught of heaven He healed the sick and rose the dead Jesus calm and hushed the sea Forgave all of ours transgression Turn water to wine in Galilee CH: HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He carry my sins to Calvry, outside Jerusalem's walls So I can have a chance to live again HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He laid down his life, for me to have it all A real king that reign Jesus still reign V3: Christ asked why Father forsake me He still carry the burdens with pain That old rugged wooden cross symbols true life He did not run from you or me He wore the thorns as a crown not in vain So everyone can have the tree of life you and me CH: HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He carry my sins to Calvry, outside Jerusalem's walls So I can have a chance to live again HE GAVE UP HIS CROWN FOR A CROSS He laid down his life, for me to have it all A real king that reign Jesus still reign Jesus is the tree of life…………………………………………

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