Songs by Lockdown Larcs L.



    Lockdown Larcs L.
    Genre: Blues

    This is a lyric only
    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    I was putting together a pantoum form poem on earth problems 
    and I randomly put on my spotify blues playlist while composing it, and wondered what it would look like as a blues lyric. Wrote it to 11 syllable repeat 6/5 remainder verse.
    So I need a blues music composer, with ecology leanings, to collaborate.

    I got these blue sphere blues hearing today’s news I got these blue sphere blues hearing today’s news killin ecology we all gonna lose seven billion people usin’ energy seven billion people usin’ energy what can the blue sphere do can’t always be free I got the blue sphere blues who's pollutin’ seas I got the blue sphere blues who's pollutin’ seas some people are choosin’ to cut down the trees I got the blue sphere blues who's stepped on the gas I got the blue sphere blues who's stepped on the gas more icecaps are meltin' oceans rising fast listening to the news everywhere the same listening to the news everywhere the same no sign of stopping soon no one takes the blame I got the blue sphere blues they won’t go away I got the blue sphere blues they won’t go away please won’t you all help me to save earth today All get the blue sphere blues we all got a stake All get the blue sphere blues we all got a stake saving earth together give as well as take

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