Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Folk

    This is a lyric only
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    Verse It all started on a hot day It was in the city of Laredo He rode on his motorcycle I don't know his name His presence like cool rain I heard him over say I travel for as long as Colorado I heard his name was Michael Chorus DESPERADO What bring you this way Your hair as silk moire Your steps sing out a symphony DESPERADO You travel so far Your holding a guitar on your arm DESPERADO A human angel with charm DESPERADO Sientese Verse I stared as he drunk a glass of beer He pretend to be a rebel pioneer I did not mean to be so frisky He a gentleman who can handle anything risky Those darling thick eyebrows Hold some truth behind this disguise That I swear he could not lie Repeat Chorus Bridge Donde Le hizo vienen de Un cielo desierto Fuego en sus ojos Sojo sus ne ogeuf With fire in your eyes With fire in your eyes Repeat Chorus

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