Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Childrens

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    Children song Toddlers A Whole Lot of Vegetable Chorus Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Spinah, brocheli all cover with cheese celery dip in peanut butter or ranch A meal is not complete without any vegetables to eat Verse It takes a while for vegetable to grow from the earth They are all naturel and healthy for me So serve a lot on my plate today Peas carrot, corn, cauiflower, and grean bean Chorus Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Spinah, brocheli all cover with cheese celery dip in peanut butter or ranch A meal is not complete without any vegetables to eat Verse: Vegetable are really fun to eat They are not as gross as they seen So serve my vegetables how I like Everyone has their own favorite ones Chorus Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Vegetables here and vegetables there We going to eat a whole of vegetables Spinah, brocheli all cover with cheese celery dip in peanut butter or ranch A meal is not complete without any vegetables to eat

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